Let The Haters Hate: You Can't Please Everyone

Fact. You're going to come across people in life that don't like you. You're going to come across people who belittle your dreams and ambitions. Who leave you feeling deflated. As much as we may dislike this, we also can't control these things. What we can control however is how we react.

For a very long time - too long - I was trying too hard to be liked, because let's face it, we all want to be liked don't we? And when people didn't like me for one reason or another, it kind of hurt. What was wrong with me? It usually turned out that it was just a personality clash but it was a while before I could accept this. I'm a little older and wiser now, and with that has come the realisation that not only will everyone not like me but that I'm also okay with that. And I really am. So what if the next door neighbour's sister's cousin's best friend's nephew hates me and my blog. (Totally made that up btw. I don't even know if my neighbour has a sister but anyway you get my point or so I hope.)
If I'm happy doing what I'm doing and I'm not harming anyone then I'm gonna carry on doing it. If I want to dye my hair bright pink and get a tattoo then I'll do that too!
It leaves me feeling bitter when I get excited about something (especially blog related) and then someone goes and knocks the wind out of my sails. I usually have a moment afterwards where I doubt myself but then I pick myself back up because I'm certainly not going to let it stop me from striving forwards. Creating content for GGD gives me a sense of purpose and that in itself gives me a sense of happiness and contentment.

Do not let the haters stop you from going for what you want.

Life is too damn short to worry what people think. I've wasted years holding back for fear of disappointing people. And where has that got me? I'll tell you where. No-where! So I'm encouraging you now, to do as I am. To go out, to live your dreams, to do whatever it is that you want to do in life. Remember to be kind to others along the way, treat others as you wish to be treated but don't stop working towards your own dreams should someone come along and treat you badly or dismiss your ambitions. Don't let the negativity dim your shine. This is your life. The haters will hate for one reason or another regardless and I'm not about to waste time or energy questioning why, nor should you.

Hope you all have a fabulous week.

Lots of love Justine xxx

Image via Pexels


  1. Words to live by! Beautifully written and totally inspires me! �������� Xx

    1. So glad you liked it Molly. Thank you for your kind words xx

  2. I love this post! So inspiring and definitely the right attitude to have! xxx

    1. Thanks! Trying to keep a positive outlook this year! Xx

  3. Well said honey, not all people in life will like you but that's not your fault. Follow your heart and your dreams and your true friends will cheers you on and always be there,big hugs xxx

    1. I'm learning... Slowly! Thanks hun. I know you've always got my back 😘 Xxx

  4. Love this post hun. You've got to develop a thick skin and just not give a fuck, because people who want to will always find a way to hate! x www.aimeeraindropwrites.co.uk x

    1. So true. I was too sensitive and soft for so long but I've learnt to develop a thicker skin over the last few years. A necessity if I'm to have a career as a writer no doubt xx

  5. This post, I love this so much! i find it really hard to step away from what society wants you to do and do what I really want to do. Especially when I'l talking about travelling before settling down etc, a lot of people disapprove and just don't understand! But I am trying to remember exactly what you mentioned in this post! This is my life, I can do what I want with it!


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