Ways To Increase Your Side Hustle*

If you’d have told me two years ago that by 2017 I’d be generating income from my little internet space then I’d have laughed at you.

Sure I knew it was doable, after all I’d read several posts from fellow bloggers who were making a decent amount of money every month, but I just didn’t believe that this could ever be me.

For starters I had no idea how a blogger even made money. I’d hear about all these affiliate links programmes and it would just go straight over my head. Sponsored posts seemed a good way forward but I had no clue where to start. But start I did and I’m going to show you how you can do the same.

If I’m honest, my first pay check actually came from two separate companies who had indeed approached me. (You can imagine my delight when I opened my inbox that morning right?) But this got me thinking. I’d created two sponsored posts which were received well, maybe just maybe I could pitch to do more.

My first plan of action was to find out where I could actually find more blog opportunities. Other bloggers had advised that I scroll through these three hashtags on Twitter, #PRRequest #BloggersWanted and #BloggersRequired. I also joined the Facebook groups, Official UK Bloggers and UK Blogger Opportunities. But although I got some response from brands this way, I still wanted to find more potential work. This is when I discovered Bidvine.

If you haven’t heard of this website then I would highly recommend you check it out. Bidvine is just one of the ways in which you can increase your side hustle. In short, it’s essentially a go-between. Bidvine connects customers with the services that they need. For me this means making myself available as a content writer for potential customers/clients and their websites.

Maybe the same could be said for you or perhaps your niche is more social media marketing or web design? The fantastic thing about Bidvine is that once you’re signed up as a provider, potential customers will reach out to you. It's completely free to join and you would only pay a small fee when you wanted to be considered for a project by a client.

It’s a relatively simple website to work around. A Bidvine customer will complete a bid request which involves answering a few questions. This is just to ensure that the most suitable candidate is matched for the job. For example, if it was one of my potential clients, they would answer to say whether they’re after general article writing or blog writing. 

Of course there’s also plenty of other services you can register yourself for if writing isn’t your thing. Here's how it works for professionals.

I read somewhere that a fellow blogger had recently made thousands of pounds from blogging and her side hustle in March alone. If that isn’t an incentive then I don’t know what is! 

*This post may contain collaborative or affiliate content


  1. I've never heard of Bidvine before - will definitely be checking them out :) x www.aimeeraindropwrites.co.uk x


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