Hey Girl! It's Okay To Be Yourself

Remember when I said I was done trying to be something I'm not? Done comparing myself? Well several months on and I can safely say it was by far the best decision (blog related) I have ever made. I am loving the blogging game right now. I love that I post what I want and when I want. I love that I'm no longer afraid to be just me. It's liberating in a way that I can't explain and weirdly, my blog has become even more of a success since I made this choice. Success can be defined differently depending on who you ask, but for me, it's the growth in numbers, it's the level of engagement, the collaborations landing in my inbox daily and in the feedback from all of you.

You can sit down and compare yourself to others until the cows come home, but it'll do you no good in the long run and it also won't make you a better blogger (or other if blogging isn't your thing.) Trust me I know.

Each one of us is so unique, we each have something to offer the world whether we believe it or not. And truthfully, as I scroll through my feed, I do see a lot of blogs that look like they're trying too hard to be like each other. It's sad really. I suppose since doing my own thing, I now have a new found appreciation for originality. I don't want to read ten blogs and see the same post styled in the same way. I want to see something that makes you, you

I love being a part of a journey, and over the last two years I've followed the journey of many fellow bloggers who have also now become firm friends. I've watched as their blogs have grown, as they've gone from strength to strength, posting more and more quality content. Ticking off collab after collab. Yes Aimee I'm talking about you girly! I love that Jemma - no matter what - is always herself, her bright, beautiful, colourful self and that she is just so very different from everyone else. 

Yes sometimes I am still in awe of all the beautiful photography - Rebecca, the gorgeous style posts - Jordan, the opportunities I see you all having, the growth in your numbers, I am only human after all. But I am also finally okay being myself and doing my own thing. It's a great feeling when you eventually get there! 

Yes I still have goals, I still want to up my photography game, to learn how to add titles to photos, to be able to do more tech stuff without having to rely on the likes of Fiona, but all that aside, I do absolutely love my little internet space. Apart from my guest posts, it is all me. And any new skills I do happen to learn, I'll be using them in my own unique way. If I can give one piece of advice to any newbie bloggers, or indeed to anyone reading, no matter what, always be true to yourself. 

Sending lots of love your way...


  1. Awww I loved this post so much, definitely needed to read this today! :D xx

    elizabeth ♡ ”Ice Cream” whispers Clara
    (lets follow each other on bloglovin or instagram)

    1. Thank you for this lovely comment Elizabeth. Reading comments like this reminds me of why I love blogging so much. It's what it's all about! 😘 Xxx

  2. What a great post honey - and your words are so true. It's far better to be yourself than to try to be like every other blogger out there! Originality stands out. Thanks for the lovely mention - so proud to call you my friend <3 x www.aimeeraindropwrites.co.uk x

    1. Awww and I'm proud to call you a friend too hunni! Glad you enjoyed this one xxx


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