Kicked To The Curb - Making Your House Stand Out From The Crowd*


*This is a collaborative post*

It is often said that a person’s home is their castle, and regardless of the state of the outside, it’s what’s on the inside that matters most. Which is very true, except from the fact that each person who pulls up to view your house will make a snap judgement about the whole property just from what they can see outside. Curb appeal matters. You might not see the weeds poking through the cracks, the peeling paint on the garage doors, or the uneven hedges, but your buyers will, and it will be something that counts against you. When decorating the house in preparation to sell, most people only focus on the jobs that need doing inside the house, and where luxury bedrooms will help you sell your house - if the outside doesn’t match the newly beautified interior, then they could as easily be put off.


Quite often the driveway has remained the same laid brick or concrete slab for a good few years. But over that time, weeds will have taken root no matter how many times you pull them up, which will cause uneven bricks or slabs, and cracks in the concrete. Look into a good, lasting weedkiller to get rid of the base problem, and then look at finding good resin driveway suppliers. No weed will be popping its head through it, and no cracks are going to appear.


As much as you would love to say that your garage is perfectly water-tight, organised and the nightly storage space for your car, most garages end up being the family dumping ground, and more of an extension of the loft than anything else. With a few adjustments, this space can become an asset as an organised storage space. The garage might also need a bit of exterior care. It might just need a lick of paint, or a reseal on the door. If your garage has deteriorated to the point of no return, or if you want to try something new altogether, then you can work with a company specialising in custom garages to have something brand new built. It will conform to your exact specifications, and may even match your overall home's aesthetic better than the older design. It's therefore quite an effective option to consider!


As we said before, you could have spent thousands over the years improving the inside of your home, but passerbys don’t see the inside. They see the exterior, which, if you haven’t been caring for it, will tell a completely different story. If your house has been built with exposed brick, then it might just need a good wash and touch-ups on any of the wooden trims like windows and gutters. But if your house that needs a full paint job then look into hiring someone to do it for you - it’s no small chore.


A garden is a massive plus in your favour when selling your home, particularly if it’s a good size. Many new builds come without or with small plots of land, making any family home with a decent garden much more desired. But is it well looked after? You don’t have to be Alan Titchmarsh, but making sure that the grass is trimmed, the flowers pruned and the hedges shaped, will go a long way to making the house look desirable. You should also think about how much effort your garden looks to maintain. Many people don’t have the time or will to spend a lot of time in the garden, so an effortlessly pretty space is perfect.

*Contributed by Sam Jones

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