The Challenges Of Running An Online Business As A Woman*

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*This is a collaborative post*

Many women choose to take control of their career by starting their own business. Unfortunately, no matter what skills you have, some people will tell you that you're disadvantaged on the internet marketing field. Indeed, most of the online marketing gurus selling training products are male. Instead of losing heart, if you would like to get better prepared for the challenges of becoming a female online entrepreneur, then check out the list below.

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Securing finance is a challenge for most women. For starters, you might not be as assertive as a male might be, or you might have no idea how to create a business plan. Don't worry because you can always learn how. Women tend to be less focused on numbers and more on emotions and feelings, and although these are necessities in many aspects of life such as when parenting or showing compassion to others, they are a challenge that you'll need to overcome in business. You will also need to learn how to research the market and how to make bold financial decisions. Thankfully, there are certain business loans for women that make the application process much easier. By comparing the different offers online you can find the product that suits your needs and meets your expectations.

Setting up an online marketing strategy can also be challenging for women as they are generally not as keen on numbers, statistics, and graphs. When you split test a marketing campaign, you need to make a decision based on the performance. Some females (and males, too) find this a daunting and boring task. You have to gather information and make informed decisions based on numbers and figures.

Technical Terms
You may come across many technical terms which are challenging and hard to understand for anyone in business. Thankfully, there are several user-friendly tools and educational resources that will help you to understand the different business concepts. If you don't feel confident enough to design and create your website then you can always hire a freelancer or web design agency. There is nothing worse than poor website design which will only show off a lack of skills.

Negative Comments
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Women are more likely to be discouraged by negative reviews and comments than men. They will spend sleepless nights going over what could have gone better, and where they made mistakes. Unfortunately, the better you are doing the more jealousy will surround you. You will need to develop a thick skin and learn to look at negative comments and reviews as an outsider, leaving your emotional side out of the business.

Being Taken Seriously

Finally, the majority of women in business experience that men just don’t take them as seriously as they would other males. This handicap can be overcome by hard work and continuously proving your worth. Learn to highly value yourself, and don’t accept a lower rate than men. Be proud of being a woman, and demand respect from every business partner.

Being a woman in business, and building up your brand from the ground up can be challenging but it's certainly not impossible. Make sure that you work on improving your confidence, and don’t accept differential treatment based on your gender. Get to know your development areas and work on them. Do what you are good at and what you enjoy. Demand gender equality in business, and lead the way for other female entrepreneurs.

*Contributed by Sam Jones

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