Business: How To Manage Data More Easily

I came across a very good question on marketscan today that really hit home, it read; You wouldn't leave your front door wide open - why do the same with your database? 

Working for an organisation that deals with a huge database of patients, I understand the importance of protecting this and ensuring that all information is stored securely. Confidentiality is paramount in my line of work. Luckily for me we have an external company that deals with our database so I don't need to think about data management too much. The only thing I do need to remember is my passwords to get into the system. It's so secure I often joke to patients that it's like trying to get into Fort Knox every morning. You might be interested to know that before we enlisted the support of an external company I used to have to do a backup each evening which meant burning data onto a compact disc. It was altogether time consuming and a complete - but obviously necessary - faff. 

As a fully computerized dental practice we certainly couldn't function properly without our database. Any organisation that relies on it's own database to function needs to understand the importance of data management. If you couldn't run your business without your data then it's an asset that needs looking after. It should be properly taken care of, protected and kept up to date. Your database needs to be checked for hacking or viruses and it needs to be backed up on a regular basis. Don't forget that anyone processing, controlling or storing personal information also need to be GDPR compliant too by the May 2018 deadline. If you're not sure if you'll be affected by GDPR then do your research now as the deadline is just around the corner.

Find yourself a master data management company who can help you implement data management strategies into your organisation. Granted it can be a bit of a quandary trying to get your head around data management but it needn't be so. By simply enlisting the help of an external source such as a professional data management expert you'll be able to rest assured in the knowledge that your company is doing everything right and is conforming to all current laws and legislation. 

Remember, ignorance is not an excuse. Do your research and you'll soon learn how powerful knowledge can be.

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