5 Strategies To Relieve The Anguish Of Mental Health Issues*

*This is a collaborative post*

Positive, stable mental health is a blessing, and having a problem in this area of life can be incredibly challenging. In fact, some days it can be a miracle if you even manage to get out of bed, let alone do all those others everyday things people take for granted. However, if you are in the midst of suffering right now, remember there are some things that you can do to relieve this. Read on to find out what they are.

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Be compassionate

Compassion is something that those of us with mental health issues can struggle to provide for ourselves. After all, when you feel like your perception of the world is broken, and it keeps chasing you deeper into your problem it can be hard to offer kindness instead of judgement.

However, it is important to remember that mental health conditions don't discriminate. They don't care how much money you have, or what you were like before, and as brain disorders, extreme stress or trauma, or a combination of all three cause many of them, there is no point adding to your own burden by judging, criticising, and hating yourself.

After all, you can hate yourself happy, so try and offer yourself a little love and compassion the next time you're feeling low instead of using it as an excuse you beat yourself up.


Another strategy that you can use for relief from your mental health problem is self-help. Luckily, there are a wealth of books on specific conditions and ways to deal with them on the market, something that can be very useful when you are struggling.

Of course, a word of warning or two is needed here. Firstly, self-help is usually more effective when it is directed towards a particular condition. Therefore if you don't have a diagnosis yet, it can be useful to get one, something that is discussed in the point below.

Secondly, you have to do the activities that they describe in the book; you won't get well by just reading the words, trust me I've tried. Thirdly, when you are in the middle of an anxiety attack, or depressive episode, it can be hard to focus. Therefore a book that sets things out in the most uncomplicated and straightforward way is something you will appreciate in the long term.

Seek a diagnosis

Yes, I know that some people don't like to put a label on things, but it really can help, especially if you hold it loosely. In fact, seeking a diagnosis is something that can help many people relive their mental health suffering because it allows them to find a treatment that is tailored to their condition.

For example, if you look into particular issues such as OCD, borderline personality disorder, and addiction you will find that they use the same therapies but in very different ways. Something that means you can endanger your recovery if you do not pay attention to this.

Get professional help

Next, if you are suffering from mental health anguish, it can be incredibly useful to seek professional help. For those considering ending their life there are helplines such as the Samaritans on 116 123, or you can visit their website at https://www.samaritans.org/ for other methods of communication. While for those suffering from addiction issues attending a residential program like https://www.rehabclinic.org.uk is often a good option. Especially as they offer aftercare as well, which can help prevent a relapse.

Of course, for other issues such as GAD, and depression seeking outpatient assistance from a therapist is the usual route. Something you can do by asking your doctor for a referral, or by going privately. You can even use mental health charities such as Mind see their website at https://www.mind.org.uk/ to get advice and help with these issues as well.

Ask for support from family and friends.

Last of all, if you find yourself suffering through difficult time cornering your mental health, it's important to try and reach out to friends and family.

Image Source Pexels

Of course, this can be difficult when you are feeling dreadful, and you feel the weight of other's expectations on you to be a certain way. However, you don't have to go out partying or see everyone you know! Instead, pick someone that you are emotionally close to and can confide in and do something comfortable and calming like going out for lunch or have them come to you for a cup of coffee.

Then you will be able to communicate on a much more intimate, and perhaps they will be able to offer you some support or advice regarding your problems, or at the very least will a willing ear to listen and acknowledge your suffering.

*Contributed by Sam Jones. *Header photo Pexels.

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