Save Money And Your Stress Levels Next Time You Have A Tyre Puncture*

*This is a collaborative post*

I've been driving for about thirteen years now and I can hand on heart say, I am a typical damsel in distress when anything goes wrong with my car. Unfortunately over the years I've experienced my fair share of car hiccups ranging from breakdowns and bumps to a chipped windowscreen and tyre punctures! In fact I'd say that tyre punctures are the most common occurence for me - unlucky or what? 

Just this new year when I was driving home from work I heard a strange tapping noise and my heart literally sank. It's a distinct noise that many drivers will recognise if they've suffered the same fate. Sure enough when I got out the car to check, there was a dirty great big screw in my back right handside tyre. What a way to start 2019 hey? I don't know about you guys but this sort of thing always seem to happen to me in the worst of places when I'm no-where near a garage or home. Thankfully I usually find that someone comes to my aid be it a passer by or neighbour and they help me to put on my spare tyre until I can limp the car to the nearest garage. 

Just this last week - the irony of timing - I heard about a new website, Compare Tyres, which could be the ideal solution next time you (or indeed I) have a tyre crisis! Compare Tyres works with many of the large providers across the UK such as Kwik Fit and Halfords. Like it sounds on the tin, this website compares tyre prices helping you to find the right tyre for your budget and car. Not only that, because Compare Tyres works with over 10k branches nationwide, you can arrange to have your tyre fitted wherever you are for a convenient and hassle free solution whilst on the go! Alternatively if you prefer you can have your tyre delivered so you can fit it yourself.

Next time you need a new tyre and you want to save yourself some money and indeed your stress levels, simply pop on over to the Compare Tyres website to see tyre prices at several fitters near your location. You can search by your reg plate, tyre size or vehicle and because it's a completely free and unbiased website you have nothing to lose and everything to gain!

*Photo sources both Pexels - header and other.

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