Some Of The Health Benefits Of Gymnastics*

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*This Is A Collaborative Post*

As with any kind of physical exercise the benefits to one's fitness are numerous and I just thought I'd write a little about some of the benefits of doing gymnastics. It seems to me that more people could benefit from incorporating even some basic gymnastics into their workout routines. I would also recommend anyone with kids to encourage them to partake in some form of gymnastics club for various reasons. One huge benefit is that there isn't much you need in terms of equipment to get started. For those of you who might be more seriously into gymnastics then of course you can invest in all kinds of equipment such as air mats and such like which are really useful in mitigating any kind of impact related injuries when exercising. It might seem obvious but it would be remiss of me not to go into more detail with regards to some of the kinds of the mats available. 

Gymnasts strengthen their bodies to a point whereby ordinary everyday injuries are rare, but the more advanced you become the more likely you will require a good quality mat in order to reduce the effect of repeated impacts on the ground. You can go for the more solid traditional types but i think a great new modification is the introduction of inflatable tumble tracks. As well as being proficient at reducing the likelihood of injuries, with children i believe they can also add to the sense of fun.

Inflatable tumble tracks are much more forgiving than traditional hard rubber type mats as used in many high schools, and again for both advanced gymnasts and kids alike this is a great benefit in building one's confidence. Also there are a huge array of air tracks on the market so it is imperative you select a good quality one from a reputable source. This is due to the amount of strain the mats are put under during the course of its lifetime, you want one which will not fall apart at the seems. So any of you out there who might be interested in trying out some air track gymnastics then follow the links found herein.

By partaking in gymnastics from a younger age you can develop muscular, joint and general strength, agility and flexibility which will provide an fantastic foundation for the rest of one's life. I did play lots of sport however, mainly football, rugby and cricket. This meant i was in very good shape and fit and all the rest of it. However, as I left my teens and early twenties I began to suffer a few bad injuries which were all joint related. I can't help but think that if I had spent more time on gymnastic type strengthening exercises I could have avoided a few surgeries down the line.


Flexibility is a major component of gymnastics, and by increasing your own flexibility you can reduce your chances of suffering a number of injuries and illnesses. The more flexible you are the less chance you have of forcing a limb into a potentially injurious range of motion. 

Disease Prevention and Healthy Bones

By participating in gymnastics which is a weight bearing exercise, you will be contributing to your own lifestyle in a positively healthy manner. Regular physical exercise will encourage you to eat more healthily too and by doing so you will cut down your risks of suffering from diseases such as asthma, cancer, heart diseases and diabetes. Your bones will also become strong and healthy too as a result of regular load bearing exercises. As we age we lose bone density, so by developing strong healthy bones you can help to prevent the onset of osteoporosis later on in life.

Co-ordination and Cognitive Function

One of the specific benefits to doing gymnastics is the increased level of balance co-ordination. it is proven that gymnasts do not suffer a strong a "startle" response to sudden imbalances non gymnasts. The benefits of gymnastics are not limited to the physical. Participation in gymnastics is proven to increase cognitive function, concentration and focus which can all be great skills to have in all aspects of life. You will also find that through the process of taking part in regular gymnastic exercise you will notice an increase in your level of self-esteem. 

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