In Search Of A Traditional Toyshop*

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*This is a collaborative post*

My Nephew's birthday is coming up, he will be five years old. I don't know where the time has gone, but half a decade has apparently hurtled by. When asked by another relative what he might like for his impending birthday he replied, 'books please';  upon the suggestion of sticker books of dinosaurs or colouring books and such like he frowned and exasperatedly he said,  'no, no, no, Julia Donaldson Books, I like her books'. I was just quite impressed that at his age he already has taken notice of the authors who write the stuff he enjoys!

So with the books and various other things being taken care of already, I usually try and seek out gifts which I think they will love, but which are perhaps more traditional or unique. In recent years at Christmas and birthday's I would go to my local family run toy shop which was filled from top to bottom with an eclectic mix of toys and amusements for children. One thing in particular that I would buy for my eldest nephew were, little knights on horseback with full armour and the detail and durability of them were top notch. There are many varieties of these kinds of figures, but the one's I found were of good quality and really durable.

Basically this toy shop was the only small family owned toy retailer in my town, there's Toy's R Us and others in neighbouring towns, but as I said, I like to get things you can't find just anywhere, for the most part. In general I think I'd much rather find a unique gift from a boutique kind of store than something mainstream, although of course for some necessities, you have to go mainstream.

Image Source Pixabay

Imagine my consternation when I found out in the run up to last Christmas that this toy shop was now closing down, due to lack of profits and sales. It's a sorry affair, a by product of increased online consumerism and many other socio-economical and geo-political factors; it's the same story across much of the retail sector with some forecaster's predicting that the traditional British 'high street' will become a thing of the past as online shopping figures continue to rise. It's just the way it goes unfortunately.

So my dilemma is trying to find a decent toy retailer, and while some toy shops have struggled to survive, other's who were able to see the change in consumer spending habits and adapted there business to the online market place have been able to thrive. One such business I stumbled across is Wicken Toys

Image Source Pixabay

They have a great stock of traditional and modern toys, games and amusements, and a beautiful traditional wooden swing which would be a fun addition to any summertime garden. There's lot's of eye catching and quirky gifts. They are a family owned company who have been operating for over something years, and when dealing with them you really do get that sense of being a valued customer.

So if like me you are struggling to find a good and reliable retailer of toys for upcoming birthdays etc, I'd definitely recommend you check out Wicken toy shop.

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