Choosing The Right Phone For You*

*This is a collaborative post*

There Is So Much Choice!!

It has come to that time again where I am considering whether or not to renew my mobile phone contract with my current service provider. If like me you have some problems when it comes to knowing your iphones, from your Androids, and all the infinite details in between, then you should have a look at a comparison site which does the hard work for you. Being able to compare phone specs side by side makes it so much easier to choose which is the right phone for you. It also pays to check out mobile phone contract comparison sites such as this one. One of the major factors for many people when considering a new phone is cost and OneCompare allows you to browse and filter phones according to the monthly and upfront cost. You can also filter your search by data, network and contract length.

I have never been one of those people who has to have the latest phone, and I am not really bothered about it having a thousand functions, most of which I will never use. That being said, and being somewhat of a technophobe, my last three phones have all been Samsungs. I could not tell you the intricacies of what an android platform versus an iphone are, but one thing which has impressed me about the Samsung is the quality of the camera.

Being that I am an amateur photographer enthusiast, (it's a wild claim but I have always been fascinated by photography) being able to get clear snapshots of good times is very important to me. People often ask I why take so many photographs? In all honesty, I've lost count of the amount of times whereby a memory I have previously forgotten, is suddenly brought back to me in vivid colour thanks to the simple trigger of looking at a photograph.

So far I've had a Samsung S2, Samsung S4 Mini and now I have the Samsung S7, to be honest I think the best camera was actually in the S2, the 8 megapixels and internal setting enabled the user to snap away and take crystal clear shots. I find that with the S7, when taking photographs, in order to ensure a crisp and clearly focussed shot, you really need to use the flash. Trouble is the flash is so bright that when taking images of people it often results in people blinking. Fortunately the 'burst' shot function allows the user to take two (or even more) consecutive shots thereafter which is handy.

Image source Pixabay

I am tempted to next go for the Samsung S10, it apparently has one of the best cameras of any phone currently on the market. However, I find it difficult accessing some of the icons which appear in the top left corner of the screen rendering single (right) handed operation quite troublesome at times. This was a widespread enough issue for Samsung to offer up the S4 Mini, which enabled much easier single handed use. Unfortunately my current S7 is the same size as the S2 and so that problem persists. It is a relatively minor issue I personally have but it is not enough to outweigh the positives for me.

My brother and partner have Huawei phones, and from what I can tell the camera on them is great and it has some great functions, the portrait setting enables you to blur the background and increase focus to a really high level, enabling anyone to take some really incredible professional looking shots; and from what I can tell they are fairly decent all round phones. Although they have been in the press for all the wrong reasons of late, maybe do a bit of research before opting for one of these. 

After doing some research and looking at what everyone seems to be saying about the upgrade in it's camera software, I'm likely to get the Samsung S10 next. 

What phone do you currently use? Have you ever used a mobile phone comparison site?

*Header image source Pixabay

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