Five Updates You Can Make To Your Home*

*This is a collaborative post*

Carrying out occasional updates to your property can help to give you that feeling you had when you first moved into your home. That buzz of excitement of getting the keys, walking into your home and knowing you have a new space that's yours to do with as you want. If you're looking for some inspiration to help transform your home, here are five updates that you can make to your home.

Build An Extension

There are many factors to consider before building an extension on your home. It's a big project, and it's not something that everyone has the opportunity to do on their home whether that's due to a financial limitation or for lack of space on the land. If you find that there may be a chance that your property boundaries aren't correct, then a solicitor for a boundary dispute would certainly be worth the hassle. That could well be the difference between you being able to go forward with your extension or not. If you're building an extension, you first want to work out what it is you want that new space to be because the floor space may dictate what is possible within the extension.

Then you want to ensure you’ve got the budget to complete the works and to factor in any consequences of having the extension done while living in your property. It may require temporary accommodation, and you’ll need to inform your neighbours about the plans so that they are in agreement with what you are doing. 

Paint Your Cabinets And Touch-Up The Walls

Paint is great for making even the most worn cabinets and walls, look brand new. Sometimes, all that’s needed is a fresh coat of paint, and that paint doesn’t need to cost a lot of money. Painting yourself can be a very therapeutic thing to do when it comes to decorating, and it can also save on you having to fork out the money to replace cabinets and cupboard or desk drawers that are still perfectly functional. Your walls will certainly suffer from bumps and scratches, whether that’s something you do directly, your guests or any furniture you may move around the process. It’s a normal thing to happen, but these scuffs can end up making it look worn, so keep a pot of paint in your garage to do touch-ups every now and then. 

Switch Up The Soft Furnishings

Soft furnishings like the throws on your sofa, the cushions on your bed and even the curtains or blinds that hang on the windows can become a bit of a bore to look at. Especially if you’ve had the same cushion cover or blind design in your home for the past several years. Finding the right designs and patterns that last a lifetime is pretty rare, and even if you do, it’s nice to give your home a change of appearance every now and then.

Soft furnishings are not as expensive as replacing a sofa or something bulkier, so look at every room and see what you could replace or update. Rugs can help add that extra layer of comfort and can make neutral walls or flooring, look more interesting. Cushions and throws are great at masking a worn sofa, so that if you didn’t have the funds to pay out for a new sofa now, it can provide you with a temporary solution. 

Incorporate Some Technology

Technology has truly transformed the way we live our lives, and that also comes down to the functionality of our homes. Incorporating some technology is one update you can do to your home to make it easier for your household to navigate a daily routine. But it’s also worth having if you ever decide to sell your home. Maybe it’s replacing the thermostat with a smart meter or having remote-controlled lighting or blinds. Alexa is a feature in many people’s homes and also can be connected to devices around your home.

Ensure Everything Has A Home

We can easily create a lot of clutter in our home, and unless everything has a home, things will end up strewn across the floor or in places where it shouldn't belong. So always have an attitude of everything having a home and if it doesn’t get some storage. Storage is a great way of making sure everything is placed either on display or hidden away. Multi-functional furniture that also acts as storage space is highly recommended.

So what are you waiting for? That’s five updates that you can be doing to your own space right now!

*Contributed by Sam Jones. Header photo source.

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