Old Dogs, New Tricks*

*This is a collaborative post*

They say you can't teach an old dog new tricks, well that might be true but nevertheless we recently decided to try our family dog on a new dog food which I'd heard rave reviews about. 

It's certainly safe to say that changing your dog's food is not a quick or overnight thing and our nine year old German shepherd Kaiser is already a notoriously fussy eater as it is, so much so that even all his pet treats have to be chicken flavour! On top of this he also has a very delicate stomach so we have to be very careful with what we give him as even the slightest change can give him an upset tummy. Stress is another factor that hugely affects pets and unfortunately the loss of my dad in December has taken its toll. That said Kaiser seems to have bounced back a little since the birth of my daughter in May whom he adores.

Hill's Pet Nutrition is a world known pet food which has clinically proven nutrition that can transform your pets life. We opted to try Hill's Science Plan Canine Adult Light Large Breed with Chicken which seems tailor made for adult dogs like Kaiser who require fewer calories because they are less active. As Kaiser has got a little older unfortunately his back legs have started to wane and as such he is indeed a lot less active than he was. The product is formulated to maintain an ideal weight and contains clinically proven antioxidants and L-carnitine which help to turn fat into energy. The high fibre content helps to control hunger between meals.

The advice with this dog food is to introduce it gently, mixing it at first with some of your pets usual food. As is the norm for Kaiser, he was a little stand-offish when I first gave him some of his new food to try. He played with it for a short while whilst he became familiar with the taste but this isn't to say he didn't like it, just that it was something new and alien to him. After some coaxing and encouragement he tucked in.

I can't honestly sit here and write genuine feedback on the results yet because it's taken a while to get Kaiser to transition. That said, I have read many positive reviews and so have high hopes.

The only negative really is the cost. At over £35 a bag it is a little on the pricey side but then Kaiser's original dog food wasn't exactly a bargain anyway! As the saying goes, you get what you pay for and as many pet owners will tell you, nothing is too much when it comes to their beloved pets!  

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