7 Common Myths About Your Teeth: Debunked!

You shouldn’t always believe what you hear. When it comes to keeping your teeth healthy, there are many conflicting claims out there. If you are having issues with your teeth or unsure which course of action to take to keep them looking their best, it is always wise to get your advice from a dentist or other oral health professional.

Some of the false claims about teeth can be confusing and even harmful to people who believe them. To help you separate the fact from the fiction, this post aims to debunk seven of the most common dental myths.

“Diet drinks aren’t bad for your teeth”

Many people believe that the absence of sugar in diet fizzy drinks means they are perfectly healthy for your teeth. But it is not just the sugar that damages your teeth; it is the acidity. Diet drinks can cause just as much damage to your enamel, potentially leading to sensitivity, cavities and tooth decay. Water is a much healthier alternative.

“White teeth are healthy teeth”

Just because your teeth are gleaming white, that does not mean they are healthy. You could still have a range of other oral health conditions including cavities, infections and gum disease. Conversely, someone with slightly stained teeth may be otherwise completely healthy.

“Braces are for children”

More and more adults are getting orthodontic treatment to correct the alignment of their teeth. Even celebrities such as Tom Cruise and Ronaldo have had braces as adults. Treatments have advanced in recent years, and there are many discreet, almost-invisible options available such as Invisalign.

“Flossing isn’t important”

Many people neglect to floss their teeth because they see it as an optional addition to brushing, but it plays a crucial role in maintaining the overall health of your mouth. While brushing cleans the surfaces of your teeth, the bristles can’t adequately reach the spaces in between. Only flossing can access these hard-to-reach areas which account for approximately one-third of your tooth area.

“You should brush straight after eating”

It seems like common sense that you should brush straight after a meal to freshen your breath and get rid of the food stuck in your teeth, but this can do more harm than good. When eating, the PH level of your mouth changes, temporarily weakening your enamel. If you brush in this time, you could be damaging your teeth.

“You should rinse your mouth after brushing your teeth”

Most people rinse their mouth out with water straight after brushing, but to see the benefits of your toothpaste, you should spit, rather than rinse. This leaves the fluoride from the toothpaste in your mouth to work on preventing dental decay and reducing acidity levels.

“You only need to go to the dentist if your teeth hurt”

Prevention is better than a cure. Rather than only going to see your dentist when a problem arises, going for a regular checkup will allow you to spot any issues and deal with them before they get too serious. Even if you have healthy teeth, experts recommend you visit a dentist for a checkup and clean at least once a year. 

*Photo source Pixabay

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