Setting Up the Perfect Study Space with Your Child*

*This is a collaborative post*


No matter what your child’s age they will benefit from having a dedicated and inviting study space to help get the best out of them. All children learn differently, so it’s important to take into account your child’s individual preferences and the way they learn best. Make sure you involve them in designing the perfect study environment for them. Here’s some advice from an independent school in Preston on setting up the perfect study space for your child. 

Remove distractions

Think about the kinds of things that typically distract your child from studying, such as TV or a mobile phone (depending on their age), and make sure they are removed from the study area. If your child is using the internet to study on a computer or laptop, there are apps you can download to block them from accessing certain websites they shouldn’t be looking at whilst learning. It can also help to get rid of unnecessary clutter, which can also be distracting. Having a clean and organised study area will help your child get into the right frame of mind for learning. 

Prioritise comfort

Your child will be less keen on studying if they’re uncomfortable, so make sure they have a desk and comfy office chair, and maybe a separate chair for reading. Make sure their office chair provides enough support for them to sit in for hours at a time. 

Being comfortable will encourage them to become absorbed in their learning. Try to have some natural light coming into the room as artificial light can lead to eye strain and provide a lamp for when it gets dark. Encourage your child to take regular breaks from the screen as well to rest their eyes. 

Personalise it

There’s no harm in making your child’s study space a fun and inspiring place for them to spend time in. You can put up motivational posters or pictures to give them some encouragement, as long as they aren’t too distracting. Ask your child what they would like to see in their study area and what would make them feel inspired. This will help with motivation when they’re starting to flag. 

Creating a comfortable and inviting study space suited to your child will help maximise their learning, and they may even come to look forward to retreating to it when homework times comes around. 


*Photo source Pexels

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