Encouraging Your Child To Be More Environmentally Conscious*

*This is a collaborative post*


It's one of our important jobs as parents to raise children who respect the natural world and do what they can to prevent environmental damage. If we impress upon children the importance of preserving the Earth’s resources from an early age, there’s more chance of them growing up with an environmentally conscious mindset, and actively working to safeguard our planet. Read on for some tips from a prep school in Hampstead on raising an environmentally aware child.  


Spend time outdoors


You can help your child appreciate the beauty and richness of nature by encouraging them to spend as much time outside as possible. Go for long walks in the woods, swim in the sea or lakes, or climb hills; even just going for an evening stroll around the block will get your child used to being outside and enjoying it. When they realise how fun being outside can be, they’ll appreciate it more. It’s also a great learning opportunity for kids as they explore different environments and learn about the seasons as well as habitats and ecosystems.


Explore sustainability


If you have a vegetable patch, get your child involved in tending to it, planting seeds and harvesting food. Teach them about sustainability and growing your own food, and only using what you need to minimise waste. They’ll feel a sense of satisfaction from plucking fruit and vegetables they’ve helped you grow and using them in a meal. Tending to a garden or vegetable patch also teaches your child about patience and to appreciate what the natural world has to offer.


Practise recycling


Teaching your child to recycle from an early age will help this become a habit they adopt throughout their life. Show them where you put cardboard, bottles and plastic and explain what happens to them when they’re recycled; you can also discuss what happens when such materials find their way into the environment and how they damage habitats and endanger animal life. 


Encourage energy conservation


Talk to your child about saving energy and how this limits environmental damage. Encourage them to switch off lights and appliances when they’re not in use, and use less water in their bath or have a quicker shower. Remind them to close doors to preserve heat, or only use the heating when necessary. 

Small habits like these can last a lifetime, and they’ll help your child maintain an environmentally conscious lifestyle and mindset as they grow and mature. 


*Photo source 

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