5 revision tips for teens

Revising can be one of the most difficult things a teenager has to face purely because of the motivation required to get quality revision completed. If you were to Google how to revise effectively for exams, millions of results would show up. Through all of these articles, not one of them would recommend to read through notes the night before and hope for the best. Some children really struggle with their vision mainly because they have no idea where to start. The idea is to find the correct method as a teen to use in order to make revision beneficial. Here are five revision tips for a teenager.


1.    Create a revision timetable so that you remember everything that needs to be completed. The hardest part of starting a good revision routine is finding the right place to begin. Ensure that you have written down all of your dates and exams in order of importance and make sure that you work your way through. Consistency is what will lead you to success. Nothing good happens overnight.


2.    Use past papers to test yourself. The best way to understand what you are and aren't good at is to test yourself using real exam papers that have been used in the past. Practising the exam method alone will help you build confidence when it comes to completing the exam on the day.


3.    Allow yourself to stumble and fail a few times. It is okay to find yourself not getting certain questions right sometimes. This is the best way to find gaps in your knowledge and to identify what needs more time when it comes to studying.


4.     4. Go through grade boundaries and examples of exam answers. If you are looking to get the highest grade, look through the examples and see what they have achieved in order to get it. Write a checklist of all the things that you need to be achieving to score that mark.


5.    Teach someone. This doesn't necessarily mean you have to become a tutor, try sitting someone down such as your parents and talk them through what you have learnt. this is a great way to go over revision material as well as boosting confidence. 


    *Photo via Pexels


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