Understanding your child’s learning style


A child’s learning style can be the reason that they break the barrier between underachieving and succeeding. the right learning style will assist individuals with their studies and help them to get the most out of their school life. There are four different types of learning styles: kinaesthetic, tactile, auditory and visual. As you learn about the different learning styles you will notice that different ones stand out for your child. Here is some advice from a boarding sixth form in Berkshire on understanding your child’s learning style. 


What is a learning style? This is the way children exploring process new pieces of information. All children need a hands-on experience when it comes to playing and learning, however, if you pay more attention, you will understand that each child has their own preference when it comes to the style of learning. Here are the four most common learning styles.


Kinaesthetic. These types of learners like to learn best through movement. They enjoy a hands-on approach and may fidget when sitting down in one place for too long. You will notice these children moving a lot whilst doing activities that require learning. A great way for them to retain information is by moving along to their favourite learning songs.


Tactile. These learners also prefer a hands-on approach but seek a more sensory stimulation rather than just movement. They enjoy working with things like sand, playdough, drawing and getting messy. This land is work well when taking part in activities such as building using blocks, completing puzzles and messy play.


Auditory. These learners prefer studying through sound. They understand oral directions very easily and enjoy reading out loud when it comes to group work. These learners tend to be talkers and may sing or hum during independent work. Practise listening to audio books and telling stories orally to keep these learners stimulated.


Visual. These learners learn through seeing. They pay close attention to movements and facial expressions. They enjoy seeing demonstrations such as videos, diagrams and maps to help them understand new information. A great way to help these learners retain information is by getting them to draw out maps and create visuals to aid with their learning.


Understanding your child’s learning style will improve their learning and keep them motivated when it comes to their studies.


*Photo via Pexels

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