The Benefits of Coding Lessons for Children*

*This is a collaborative post*

In today’s world of technological growth, coding is a big subject which is often discussed amongst parents and teachers alike. Is it important for children to learn coding? What are the benefits of teaching coding to children?


It’s important to remember first and foremost, that coding is essentially a creative process. Yes it’s part of STEM but much of STEM is also creative. With coding, children get to experience the magic of creating something from nothing which gives them the power to understand how imagination and skills when put together, leads to something valuable.


Not only is coding a valuable skill for students, it’s also fun and fulfilling. There are many routes into coding for children from clubs and online classes to school-run programmes. This sixth form in Devon encourages students to learn coding and it can be a great asset when it comes to university applications.


Pros of coding for children


Coding encourages children to develop their problem-solving skills – indeed, at it’s heard, coding is literally problem solving. It is a means of finding solutions to existing problems.


In addition to encouraging children to develop more problem solving skills, coding also helps children to improve their mathematical abilities. Because coding is best taught through practice rather than through reading and talking, it’s ideal for children who need a hands-on approach to learning.


When a child learns to code, they’re opening up the powers of today’s technological advances and are then able to discover the many advantages which a good technical knowledge can bring.


So, whether your child shows a great fascination for how computers work or not, it’s a good idea to introduce them to coding at an early age. As they grow, their abilities will grow with them and once they get to the age of university applications, their skills could make all the difference in their applications.

*Photo via Pexels

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