Bring On The Buyers: Top Tips To Boost Sales

Are you on a mission to boost sales, attract more customers or create a buzz around a new product or service? If so, we’re here to help. In this informative guide, we’ll share some top tips to help you bring in buyers and increase revenues.

Reward loyalty

It may seem natural to launch a sales campaign with the aim of enticing new customers, but rewarding loyalty is one of the best ways to increase sales. Repeat customers spend around 67% more than new customers and it’s significantly cheaper to target loyal clients. Setting up a loyalty scheme or offering exclusive benefits and perks can help boost sales while also enhancing customer retention rates and brand image. In addition to spending more than new customers, repeat clients can also act as ambassadors for your brand. They are more likely to leave positive reviews and recommend businesses they trust to others. 

Take advantage of trade shows, exhibitions and events

Trade shows, exhibitions and events provide incredible opportunities for businesses to engage with interested customers and promote their products and services. Choose events that are relevant to both the product and the target customer and consider ways to make your stall or display stand out from the crowd. Attract attention and tell people all about your brand with eye-catching modular exhibition stands and bring people in by offering free samples, demos and branded promotional gifts and freebies. Rehearse short pitches, be prepared to answer questions and let customers try the product. Offer exclusive discounts and deals for on-the-spot purchases and make the experience of visiting your stall memorable. 

Irresistible promotions

Every consumer loves a bargain. Offering irresistible promotions is a fantastic way to encourage customers to move through the sales funnel and beat competitors. Tailor your strategy to suit the target audience. Ask questions and gather information about what matters most to your customers and which offers and deals are most appealing. Some people may be more inclined to buy when there’s a discount code, for example, while others will automatically add items to their baskets if there’s a multibuy offer available. Include a deadline. Time-sensitive offers are often very effective because they make customers act quickly. 

Add value

Often, when people go shopping, they need a gentle push to take the final step. Cart abandonment is hugely frustrating for businesses and stores. If your rate is high, address issues by collecting consumer feedback and using analytics. Offer incentives to buy, including adding value to the basket. Perhaps you could include free delivery, a complementary product or personalisation services, or maybe you could send an email offering 10% off if a customer has abandoned their cart, for example. 

Image via Pexels

Boosting sales is one of the best ways to maximise profits. If you’re launching a new product, or you’re embarking on a sales drive, use these tactics. Reward loyalty to encourage repeat purchases and recommendations and research local and national events and trade shows. Run targeted promotions and sales and add value to your customer’s carts.

*Header photo via Pixabay


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