What Every New E-Commerce Business Overlooks Right from the Start

Needless to say, there are more than enough considerations when you’re trying to get your business off the ground. This essentially goes for any business that’s out there. Now, starting an e-commerce business can feel like a whirlwind, right? Just think about it for just a moment. You're caught up in picking the perfect products, building that sleek website, and hyping up the big launch. 

But then, reality sets in, and suddenly, there are a few crucial bits that were, well, overlooked. Now, these can potentially make or break your business immediately (as scary as that sounds), but there’s a lot of truth to it. But what are these exactly? Well, let’s dive into those often-missed essentials that can make or break your new e-commerce adventure.

Nailing Down Fulfilment Services

So, you've got a stunning online store, and customers are loading up their carts. But what happens after they hit that ‘buy’ button? A lot of people don’t always think about this, but here’s the thing: What happens afterward is even more important! So, basically, without a smooth system to get products from point A to point B, orders can quickly turn into a logistical mess.

Depending on the size of your operation, you’ll need to look into a fulfillment centre to help you out. If you plan on keeping things really small, like a sticker shop, you can just DIY your fulfillment, but if it’s going to be a large business, something more grand, then yes, you’ll 100% need some professionals.

Data Security Isn’t Just for the Big Guys

Data security is one of those things that often gets shoved aside, especially when you're just starting, and every penny counts. Now, it’s 100% understandable why you would think that, seriously, but even so, you still shouldn’t! This is such a major deal. Just think of it this way: keeping customer data safe isn’t just about ticking a box; it’s about building trust. 

Basically, new e-commerce businesses often skip out on investing in proper security measures like SSL certificates, secure payment gateways, and data encryption. And that’s a risky move. Overall, a data breach can cripple your business before it even gets off the ground. All that trust is gone, that bad reputation is sealed, and just think about all the fines, too.

A Customer Service Plan Is More Than Just an Email Address

Here’s the thing: a lot of new e-commerce businesses think a simple contact form is all they need for customer service. But spoiler alert: it’s not. Today’s consumers expect more; chances are high that you expect more, too, right? 

But what should you offer? Well, customers want live chat, quick email responses, and maybe even a phone line they can call if things go south. Seriously, you can’t overlook any of these; they are only going to lead to a lot of anger!

Payment Options Isn’t Some One Size Fit All

A lot of small businesses get this wrong (especially in the UK and Europe). So, for starters, you can’t just allow for one type of payment. Seriosuly, it’s not enough to slap a basic payment gateway, and that be that. 

If you overlook offering a variety of payment methods, you could be missing out on sales. Some people like credit cards, others prefer digital wallets, and some might even want a Buy Now, Pay Later option. Yes, you’ll need to cater to this!

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